Spiritual Gift of Apostle

The spiritual gift of Apostle is the divine ability to start and oversee the development of new churches or ministry structures.  It is a special ability God gives to some to exercise general leadership or oversight over a number of churches with an authority in spiritual matters, which is readily recognized.

“He would then need (1) to be sent with a message, (2) to be responsible to establish a church, and (3) to exercise authority in setting policies and enforcing them.”  (Graham, 176)

spiritual gift of apostle

Church Builders

These are the church builders.  Like the original Apostles in the book of Acts, people with the gift of Apostle are able to plant, cultivate, and grow new church bodies.  They put in place leaders and procedures that will nurture and grow the new churches in their missions.   Many with this gift oversee multiple churches or even segments of different denominations with an ability to bring diverse groups together for focused missions or goals.  They rely on those with the gift of evangelism to help grow the body, while others with gifts of shepherding and teaching are called upon to lead and educate the church.

A good example of this is found in the book of Acts. Phillip was sent to evangelize in Samaria. When his success in that region reached the apostles in Jerusalem, the Apostles Peter and John were sent to complete the work. While Phillip brought the Good News to Samaria, Peter and John built the community. The goal was the “preserve the unity of all believers under Apostolic direction”. (Purves, 63) Purves writes on this topic:

“The expansion of Christianity was thus not merely the diffusion of the faith, but also the extension of the community which had been organized in Jerusalem under the Apostles.” (Purves, 64)

spiritual gift of apostle

Spiritual Gifts Present with the Gift of Apostle

The gift of tongues is prevalent with many how have the apostle gift as it requires dealing with multiple people with different backgrounds and cultures.  The leadership gift is also key, but many other gifts can also supplement the gift of apostle such as administration, wisdom, discernment and servanthood.

A Tremendous Responsibility

What a tremendous responsibility the one with the gift of apostle carries with them.  The decisions and actions of this person(s) affect so many lives.  As such, they must be devoted to prayerful consideration at all times as they subject to relentless attack from Satan.  Prayers should be lifted for these people on a regular basis, especially from those with the gifts of faith and miracles.

Martin Luther on the Spiritual Gift of Apostle

Martin Luther, the 16th century German reformer and theologian, wrote extensively on the topic of apostleship and spiritual gifts in his works.

In his understanding, the gift of apostleship was a special calling and commissioning by God to preach the Gospel and establish churches. He believed that this gift was given primarily to the apostles of Jesus Christ and to a few others in the early church, and that it was not a gift that could be claimed or passed down through succession.

Luther also emphasized the importance of the apostolic message, which he saw as the foundation of the Christian faith. He believed that the apostles were uniquely qualified to communicate this message, having been eyewitnesses to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

However, Luther did not believe that the gift of apostleship was limited to the early church. He saw the ongoing work of the church as continuing the apostolic mission of proclaiming the Gospel and making disciples. He believed that all Christians were called to share the Gospel with others and to serve as witnesses to the truth of Jesus Christ.

John Wesley on the Spiritual Gift of Apostle

John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, believed in the spiritual gift of apostleship. He believed that apostleship was a gift given by the Holy Spirit to certain individuals in order to establish and spread the Christian faith.

Wesley saw the role of the apostle as primarily one of planting and establishing churches. He believed that apostles were responsible for preaching the gospel, baptizing converts, and organizing local congregations. He also believed that apostles had a special anointing from God that enabled them to perform signs and wonders, such as healing the sick and casting out demons.

However, Wesley also believed that the gift of apostleship was not limited to the original apostles of Jesus, but was available to believers in all ages. He believed that anyone who had a calling and a passion for evangelism and church planting could be an apostle, regardless of their gender, social status, or education.

Wesley also cautioned that the gift of apostleship was not to be used for personal gain or power. He believed that true apostleship was marked by humility, service, and a willingness to suffer for the sake of the gospel.

The Catholic Church on The Spiritual Gift of Apostle

The Catholic Church also recognizes the spiritual gift of apostleship, but with some distinctions from the Protestant understanding of the term.

In Catholic theology, apostleship refers primarily to the original twelve apostles chosen by Jesus Christ and later to St. Paul, who was called by Jesus to be an apostle. These apostles were chosen by Christ to be his closest disciples and witnesses to his life, teachings, death, and resurrection. They were given a special authority to preach the gospel, administer the sacraments, and govern the Church.

However, the Catholic Church also recognizes that the gift of apostleship is not limited to the original twelve or to St. Paul. Rather, it can be manifested in various ways among the faithful, such as in missionary work, evangelization, teaching, and leadership.

In this sense, apostleship is understood as a charism, or a gift of the Holy Spirit, which is given to certain individuals for the building up of the Church. These individuals are not necessarily bishops or ordained ministers, but may be laypeople or members of religious orders.

However, the Catholic Church also emphasizes that the gift of apostleship must be exercised in communion with the Church’s hierarchy and teaching authority. This means that apostolic activity should not be pursued in a way that undermines the unity or orthodoxy of the Church, but rather in submission to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the legitimate authority of the Church’s leaders.

People with this Gift:

  • The Holy Spirit gives an ability to communicate to groups of all kinds in any situation
  • Strong desire to pioneer and establish new ministries or churches; builds a strong foundation for growth of the Body for those with the Pastor/Shepherding gift to tend to
  • Able to adapt to different surroundings by being culturally sensitive and aware
  • A will to minister to unreached people in other communities or even countries
  • Usually has responsibilities to oversee ministries or groups of churches and can demonstrate authority and vision for the mission of the church
spiritual gift of apostle

Bible References

Bible ReferenceNotes
Luke 6:12-13Jesus designates the 12 apostles
Acts 4:33The apostles testify and grace is upon them
John 17:6-19Jesus prays for his disciples; sends them into the world
John 20:19-23Jesus appears to the disciples after the resurrection
Acts 8:14-18Peter and John bless others with the Holy Spirit
1 Corinthians 12:27-31Paul mentions the gift of apostle; gift of apostle is the greatest
2 Corinthians 8:22-24Apostles are representatives of the church
Galatians 2:1-10Paul selected as the apostle to the Gentiles
Ephesians 2:19-22We are God’s people with apostles as the foundation
Ephesians 4:11-12Paul notes the gift of apostle
Colossians 2:2-5Paul describes the goal of the apostles

The Spiritual Gifts Project is always looking for personal perspective about the spiritual gifts. If you would like to share your experiences and help further all of our understanding about a particular spiritual gift, please visit our feedback page.


  • Zondervan, 97
  • Graham, 175-176
  • Bryant, 65-67
  • Purves, 63-64

Other Greater Gifts

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