The Greater Gifts

The Greater Gifts – Paul tells us in the Bible that all of the gifts are equal to one another and all of them are important to the body of Christ.  Why, then, at the end of 1 Corinthians 12, does Paul list some of these gifts in order of importance and call them the “greater” or “higher” gifts? Simply put, these gifts are only greater due to the responsibility they carry with it.  Those with these gifts are ones who lead, teach, and care for all of the members of the body.  A person with one or more of the greater gifts can be seen to have a culmination of the other gifts. When studying the Greater gifts, look for those other spiritual gifts that you would expect to see in a person that has one or more Greater gifts.  Not all with the same gift will be alike, each having different gifts as given by the Holy Spirit, but you will see some similarities.

Please read my post Unpacking Paul – Ephesians 4 – The Greater Gifts for an in depth discussion of this topic. You can find links to a description of each of the greater gifts below.

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