Spiritual Gift of Miracles

The spiritual gift of miracles is an acute awareness of God’s work in the world.  This gift allows a person to be aware of God’s presence in a circumstance, event, or location and illustrate that to believers within the body.  The world around us may decry what Christians see as God’s work and those with the gift of miracles are able to bolster the faith of the body and bring to light God’s influence in our daily lives.

the spiritual gift of miracles

A Prayer Warrior

Generally a person with the gift of Miracles is a “prayer warrior” and enables others to be the same.   Prayer comes naturally to them both publicly and privately.  To the body, their prayers may be perceived as “always answered” because of their enablement to pray and to illustrate the results of that prayer.  

the spiritual gift of miracles

The gift of miracles should not be confused with miracles that are witnessed and reported today.  True miracles are the work of the Holy Spirit and not of a human with the gift.  They are the result of prayer and God’s will.

Belief in the Ability to Perform Miraculous Acts

Some believe that the gift of miracles involves the ability to perform supernatural acts that go beyond the natural laws of the physical world. This may include healing the sick, raising the dead, or even causing natural disasters to cease. Those who have the gift of miracles are often seen as channels of God’s power, and their actions are attributed to the work of the Holy Spirit.

The gift of miracles is often associated with faith, as those who possess this gift are able to trust in God’s power and authority to perform supernatural acts in some instances. They may have a special ability to pray for others and to see miraculous results, or they may be used to perform miraculous acts as a sign to others of God’s power and presence.

It’s important to note that the gift of miracles is not something that can be conjured up or controlled by the individual, but is rather a gift of the Holy Spirit that is used for the glory of God and the benefit of others. It is also important to approach spiritual gifts with humility and discernment, and to use them in a way that honors God and benefits others.

Martin Luther also expressed caution about the gift of miracles, believing that Satan could use counterfeit miracles to deceive people. He urged Christians to test the spirits and to be discerning in their evaluation of supernatural phenomena.

Martin Luther on the Spiritual Gift of Miracles

Martin Luther believed in the spiritual gift of miracles, but he had a different understanding of it than some other theologians of his time.

For Luther, the gift of miracles was not primarily about spectacular displays of supernatural power, but about the miraculous transformation that takes place in the human heart when a person comes to faith in Christ. He saw miracles as a sign of God’s grace and power at work in the world, but he also recognized that they were not always necessary or even desirable.

Luther believed that faith in Christ was the greatest miracle of all, and that it was through faith that believers could receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life. He emphasized that the gift of miracles was not something that could be earned or acquired through human effort, but was a gift given by God to those who trusted in Him.

At the same time, Luther did not dismiss the possibility of physical healing or other supernatural manifestations of God’s power. He saw these as potential signs of God’s grace and mercy, but he also cautioned against the dangers of seeking after signs and wonders for their own sake.

Overall, Luther’s view of the gift of miracles was grounded in his understanding of the power of God’s grace and the transformative nature of faith in Christ. He saw miracles as a manifestation of God’s love and mercy, but he also recognized the importance of discernment and caution in their use and interpretation.

John Wesley on the Spiritual Gift of Miracles

John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, believed in the spiritual gift of miracles as a sign of God’s power and presence in the world.

Wesley saw miracles as supernatural acts of God that could serve a variety of purposes, including healing the sick, casting out demons, and even raising the dead. He believed that these miraculous signs were intended to confirm the truth of the Gospel and to strengthen the faith of believers.

However, Wesley also recognized that the gift of miracles could be misused or misunderstood. He cautioned against seeking after signs and wonders for their own sake, and emphasized that the primary focus of the Christian life should be on holiness and obedience to God’s will.

Wesley also believed that the gift of miracles was not limited to a select few, but was available to all who had faith in God and were open to His power and presence. He encouraged believers to pray for the gift of miracles, but also to approach it with humility and discernment.

The Catholic Church on the Spiritual Gift of Miracles

In the Catholic Church, the spiritual gift of miracles is considered to be one of the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit, along with gifts such as healing, tongues, and prophecy.

According to Catholic teaching, the gift of miracles is a supernatural power given by the Holy Spirit to certain individuals for the purpose of confirming the truth of the Gospel and giving witness to the power of God. Miracles are seen as signs of God’s presence and activity in the world, and as a manifestation of His love and mercy.

The Catholic Church recognizes that not everyone has the gift of miracles, and that even those who do possess it may not always exercise it. The Church also emphasizes that the gift of miracles should be used with humility and discernment, and should always be directed towards the greater glory of God and the good of His people.

Catholics believe that the gift of miracles is not limited to a particular time or place, but can occur at any time and in any context where God’s power and presence are needed. They also believe that miracles can take many different forms, including physical healing, deliverance from evil spirits, and other miraculous signs and wonders.

People with this Gift:

  • Advocate of prayer and shows the power of prayer at work in the church
  • Able to see the miraculous in their surroundings
  • Identifies God’s work and explains/illustrates to the body
  • Shows the work of God in the church
  • Very strong faith and a gifted sense of God’s presence
the spiritual gift of miracles

Bible References

Psalm 66God’s work in the world are awesome deeds
Romans 8:26-27The Holy Spirit helps us to pray
1 Corinthians 12:7-11, 28-31Paul mentions the specific gift of miracles
Hebrews 2:1-4God testifies to us through miracles
James 5:13-18Miracles at work in the body

Please note: There is not a lot written about this gift, nor do I have any experience with it. If you feel that you have this gift I would love to talk to you about it. Please contact me.

The Spiritual Gifts Project is always looking for personal perspective about the spiritual gifts. If you would like to share your experiences and help further all of our understanding about a particular spiritual gift, please visit our feedback page.


  • Graham, 215-218

Other Gifts

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