Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire


Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire

This questionnaire will help identify your potential spiritual gifts, though it’s just a starting point. True insight into your gifts comes through prayer and the Holy Spirit. Be honest in your answers, and don’t try to guess for a specific outcome. Your answers are private.

The questionnaire approximately 20 to 30 minutes.  A progress bar will appear at the top of each page, and your results will show at the end.

Please note, this questionnaire does not cover the "greater gifts." For more, see Unpacking Paul - Ephesians 4 - The Greater Gifts.

If you're not part of a traditional church, consider any Christian community you're involved with as your "church."

The number of attempts remaining is 2

When faced with a situation where a friend needs assistance due to suffering, my reaction is almost automatic to jump in and help, not waiting to see if anyone else will help.  I do this no matter how "unpleasant" the help may be.

I am drawn to people who are weak in spirit and I look for ways to strengthen their faith.

I am able, and regularly do, bolster the faith of the church and bring to light God's influence in our daily lives.

My friends have told me that I am easy to talk to.

When I encounter a friend on social media who is regularly negative in their posts and conversations about any and all things, I tend to:

When it comes to organizing events, gatherings, or parties, which statement below best describes you?

When fundraising for a cause:

I feel that I have an ability to recognize a person's potential in the work of God and the church and I encourage them to move forward.

I am able to see God at work in my church and I go out of my way to make the church aware of it.

When I am with another person who may be ill either physically or mentally, I feel a deeper empathy for that person than others might.  I am compelled to assist in any way I can.

When making important decisions that affect me and/or others, I tend to:

I am involved with missions or organizations that focus on alleviating the sources of pain or discomfort in suffering people.

What percentage of your income to you give to your church?

I have a natural ability to apply resources where they will do the greatest good.

I am able to learn through a variety of means and methods.

Which statement below best describes you ability in delegating tasks to members of teams:

I can sense the presence of evil.

I am involved in the Stephen Ministry program or other Christian outreach organization that assists with counseling others in times of need.

When I participate in a group Bible study or other meeting, I often take what the teacher brings forward and help the group apply the teachings to their spiritual lives.

When speaking with a friend or family member about their walk with God, which statement below best describes you?

I have a stronger than average intuition about people and situations.

Outside of work, email, and social media, which statement best describes your propensity for reading?

Reflect on one specific time that you felt a falsehood was presented.  Which statement below would best describe the falsehood and situation around it?

I am able to read people in a more deeper and meaningful way, with the ability to look beyond the person's outer self.

I am a good judge of a person's motives in any situation.

Christian music in my spiritual and worship life:

I consider myself to have excellent organizational skills.

In my past volunteer and professional roles in life, I have been looked upon as a peacemaker of sorts when there are divisions between groups.

Practical service to another has a definite spiritual value to me.

During the past year, how many books, articles, or other media about Biblical topics have you read that enhanced your understanding or sparked your interest to learn more about specific Christian teachings? (estimate)

In my day to day life, I see the miracles of God and his work mostly in the following:

When a leader puts forward a vision, I am the person who helps get things moving and organized.

Generally, how would you describe how you live out your faith?

You find yourself in a quiet moment of the day without distraction.  You would be more likely to do which of the following?

How many foreign languages do you speak?  Not looking for fluency in this question but more of a conversational level.

I feel a strong spiritual peace and fulfillment when I take on simple tasks to help others in the church.  I often don't have to be asked to help - I just do it.

When I am given a new goal or task to complete, I dig deeply into the details and then seek resources to assist me in accomplishing them.

Think for a moment about various times you were involved in a conflict or a state of confusion and unsure about what direction to take.  How would you describe the Holy Spirit's impact, if any, in how those situations were resolved?

Do you feel that God regularly provides you direction through the Holy Spirit to help you understand the best actions for you to take?

I manage my finances and limit my lifestyle in such a manner so that I may give as much of my resources to the work of the Church as possible.

People have looked to me in the past to make difficult decisions and lead a team forward.

On a regular basis, I can feel at a very deep, personal level when someone is being untruthful or practicing deceit.

I find great joy and spiritual peace when I give of my resources to the church.  It's something that long to do on a regular basis.

I am often seen by others as someone who regularly projects an attitude of love, worship, and faith in God and that I regularly use this gift for the betterment of the church.

I consider myself a quick learner.

I have the ability to steer the body towards the accomplishment of God-given goals and directives by planning, organizing, and supervising others.

When working with a team on a goal, I focus on the details of what needs to be accomplished.

Of the statements below, how best describes your regular Bible reading practices?

I have had experiences where I believe the Holy Spirit has spoken to me in a way that only I can understand.

I have an acute ability to regularly detect insincerity in a person or situation.

I feel that I have a "gifted" sense of God's presence when he is at work around me.

I enjoy participating in missionary work with other cultures and do so as much as I am able.

I see myself as somewhat of an "ambassador" for our church, as I frequently engage in activities to help reach new members or represent the church as a whole within the community.

I consider myself fairly adept and/or experienced at fundraising.

When working on a particular challenge or problem, have you ever formulated a solution that was outside of your secular studies and life experiences?

I feel that my intuition is valid and credible information.

Both private and public prayer comes easy to me.

Praying for a situation is something that I do first and foremost and not as something I do when I cannot affect the situation myself.

My friends and family consider me a "prayer warrior" who receives answers to prayer frequently.

I personally have come through one or more significant trials in my lifetime and I use that experience to as an example and teaching tool for others in their hardships.

Can you recall a time when your curiosity, or perhaps a spiritual motivation, drove you to comprehend matters of God or the Church at a deeper level?

I am passionate about addressing the needs of the lonely, forgotten, or downcast.

I am good at discovering and channeling new sources of money, time, and energy to the needs of the church.

I consider myself a leader, and I have had opportunity to lead teams in the past with success.

Reflect upon the volunteer work that you do with your local church or other organizations.  Which answer below best describes your volunteer time involvement with groups that render aid to those who are ill or in distress, either physically or mentally?

A friend of yours has an ailing parent that needs assistance in some ways with hygiene.  Your friend has asked you to sit with that parent for a few hours one day so your friend can take care of some personal matters.  Which statement below best represents how you approach the situation with your response? (Be Honest)

I am drawn to and participate in church ministries that bring restoration and wholeness to the sick, whether it be mentally, spiritually, or physically.

I am fulfilled spiritually when I see the fruits of my labor benefiting the body and allowing other parts of the ministry to thrive because of my work.

I seek opportunities to be involved in the care of those who are ill.

I tend to take negative comments, feelings, or actions a lot harder than others.  I find myself more susceptible to them.

I really enjoy working with my hands.

Which statement below best describes your organizational skills:

I consider myself an avid reader.

My money management skills are best described as:

My trust level in God and what he will do is:

I seek out and enjoy doing the simple and sometimes mundane tasks that are required, as I know that the service is necessary and I gain great satisfaction in the work.

I have a strong desire to search the scriptures and the works of other teachers for insight, understanding, and truth.

Which statement below best describes how you approach God, prayer, and the problems of people you know?

I enjoy teaching others, either in a group or individual setting.

I tend to distance myself for people who are negative or are constantly critical of others.  This includes not only personal interactions but also virtually through social media platforms.

I am one of those people who constantly looks at the "big picture" and plans accordingly.

How best would you describe your prayer life?

When it comes to service to others, I feel like it is more of a calling than a choice.

I have the ability to motivate others to work in ways to help them achieve more together than they could on their own.

When it comes to my church life, I am always involved, always asking to help, and I feel like I am a key part of keeping the church moving forward.

I consider myself someone who is friendly and can get along with pretty much anyone.

I feel that I put the needs of the body of Christ and others ahead of my own needs, and I find great happiness and a feeling of love by doing this work.

How often do you turn to prayer in order to seek answers to your problems?  Select the answer below that best describes your practice.

I consider myself a "people person" and I seek opportunities to socialize and be part of a group.

I consider myself someone with a "strong stomach" and I am able to serve in difficult or unsightly circumstances in a cheerful manner.  This includes mission work in situations that are possibly in poor or unsanitary conditions.

You just spent a few hours of your day off helping the church paint parts of the building.  When the job has been completed, the leaders mention they want to express their gratitude to the team.  What type of gesture would you want to receive for your hard work? Be honest with yourself.

I would rather take care of a service need or project myself instead of looking for someone else to do the job, as appropriate.  I enjoy "getting my hands dirty" so to speak.

In my personal prayer life, I devote a great deal of time and energy bringing forward to God those who are ill.

I think it is important that the church or other organization acknowledge any gifts that are given, and the larger or more important gifts should receive special attention.

When I plan for an event or other gathering:

My abilities allow me to sort through opinions, facts, and thoughts in order to the best solution.

When I am in earnest prayer it has a physical affect on me.

I am the kind of person who will step up and take responsibility for leading a team, establish goals, and make course corrections when necessary so the team can be successful.

Have you ever experienced a situation where you received a solution to a problem that you feel was directly from God?

There have been instances in my life where I have had meaningful conversations with people outside of my church about the Christian faith.

I prefer to work behind the scenes on projects and tasks that are necessary for the church's overall needs.

I enjoy greeting and getting to know new people who visit my church.

When comforting or caring for someone who is ill and not a Christian, I look for opportunities to bring them to Christ.


spiritual gifts questionnaire