What are the Spiritual Gifts?

I have categorized the spiritual gifts into the following groups for ease of study:

Group Gifts
Greater Apostle, Evangelism, Shepherd, Teacher, Prophecy
Education Wisdom, Discernment, Knowledge
Communication Faith, Miracles, Tongues (Speaking & Interpreting)
Individual Help Helping, Healing, Exhortation, Compassion
Service to the Body Giving, Leadership, Servanthood, Administration

Gifts of Education

Gifts of Education provide the understanding, application, and clarity of God’s word to the body.  These gifts allow the will of God to be understood and communicated in ways that allow for the entire body to have access to it.  Dissemination of facts and figures, separating truth from fiction, and applying spiritual principals and insight to every day decisions are some of the roles those with this gift have in the body.  These are truly divine gifts and not a result of anyone’s experience or education.  The spiritual relevance and meaning behind issues and decisions can be rendered visible which allows for clear understanding.

Gifts of Communication

Gifts of Communication should be considered the spiritual backbone of the body.  Just as the head of the body is Christ, those with the Gifts of Communication are the central nervous system.  People with these gifts can sense God at work at deeper levels than others in the body.  They are fervent in prayer and are able to illustrate the fruits of prayer to everyone they encounter.   The level of trust they have in God’s will for the body allows them to drive the body forward using their faith as a foundation for others to stand on and inspire.  Their gifts allow them to be an example of God’s love to those who may not be a part of the body or are falling away.

Gifts of Helps

Gifts of Helps are about aid to the individual member of the body.  These gifts are different than the gifts of Service, which focus on the body as a whole.  The people that possess a gift in this category should be considered “first responders” in a moment of crisis for an individual, including both physical and spiritual ones.  They will be the ones that go to great lengths to render aid at a member’s time of need.  You will find these people in work that provides one on one care or in group settings that provide aid to individuals of the group.

Gifts of Service

Gifts of Service are about the common good of the body.  They differ from the gifts of Helps by focusing on the behind the scenes work that must be done to keep the whole body functioning and moving forward in God’s plan.  People with these gifts are the unsung heroes that keep the body organized, assist in providing resources, carry out the every day tasks, and provide guidance to body on administrative matters.  Their work allows for those with other gifts to focus on their callings and not be concerned with the healthy functioning of the body.  They find happiness in seeing the results of their work impacting the lives of others growing in Christ and flourishing.   Without them, the work of bringing people to Christ would be slow, cumbersome, and bogged down in details.

Greater Gifts

Paul tells us in the Bible that all of the gifts are equal to one another and all of them are important to the body of Christ.  Why, then, at the end of 1 Corinthians 12, does Paul list some of these gifts in order of importance and call them the “greater” or “higher” gifts? Simply put, these gifts are only greater due to the responsibility they carry with it.  Those with these gifts are ones who lead, teach, and care for all of the members of the body.  A person with one or more of the greater gifts can be seen to have a culmination of the other gifts. When studying the Greater gifts, look for those other spiritual gifts that you would expect to see in a person that has one or more Greater gifts.  Not all with the same gift will be alike, each having different gifts as given by the Holy Spirit, but you will see some similarities.

Spiritual Gifts versus Talents

While there may be some overlap between spiritual gifts and talents, there are some key differences between the two.

A talent is a natural ability or skill that a person has, often in a particular area such as music, art, athletics, or academics. Talents are usually developed through practice and training, and they can be used for a variety of purposes, including personal fulfillment, career success, and service to others.

On the other hand, a spiritual gift is a special ability or talent that is given to a believer by the Holy Spirit for the purpose of building up the church and advancing the kingdom of God. Spiritual gifts are described in the New Testament and include gifts such as prophecy, teaching, healing, administration, and many others.

While talents can be used for the benefit of others and for the glory of God, they are not necessarily the same as spiritual gifts. Spiritual gifts are specifically given by the Holy Spirit for the purpose of building up the church, and they are usually associated with specific roles or ministries within the church.

Additionally, while talents can be developed through natural means such as practice and training, spiritual gifts are given solely by the Holy Spirit and cannot be developed or earned by human effort.

Overall, while there may be some overlap between talents and spiritual gifts, they are distinct categories with different origins, purposes, and applications.

Detailed information on each gift can be found in the links below. Be sure to try our online Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire to assist you in your discernment of your Spiritual Gift.